Shijiazhuang Heng民妹deli trading Co.,數可Ltd

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  • Time of issue:2020-06-04 14:43
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(Summary descrip站議tion)Shijiazhuang Hengde快的li trading Co.,Ltd,Established in 木商2003. Located in Hebei provin舊們ce,china.

Shijiazhuang Hengd劇媽eli trading Co.,Ltd

(Summary description)Shijiazhuang Hen通來gdeli trading Co.音房,Ltd,Established in 2003. Located in H嗎高ebei province,c腦跳hina.

  • Categories:Industry news
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  • Time of issue:2020-06-04 14:43
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Shijiazhuang H醫民engdeli trading Co.,Ltd,Establis雨市hed in 2003. Located in Hebei prov友電ince,china.It is a professional c河妹ompany sale auto tools, power to報高ols, pneumatic tools,hardwar離制e tools, tire repair equipment, ti窗舞re repair materials, welding equ市友ipment, hand tools and 近年other products. Th微新e company has a total of more than 去村100 formal employees, a busines照也s site of about 1去鐘,250 square meters, a stor雪請age area of about 2,600 square meters,算好 and an inventory of about 20 mill些商ion yuan. The client sales are throu作師ghout the provinces, cities and au書好tonomous regions體購 (including Taiwan) .
In 2010, it passed the IS到靜O9002 quality system certification, 計從and the company entere快子d the management improvement stage. P金頻assed the CE certif作司ication of the European Union in 費工2015. and same y時離ear, we started business f站跳or export. With stron飛自g capital invest行藍ment, accurate market positioning 什機and humanized ma裡理nagement, the company Quickl冷我y enter foreign markets.請訊 Our customers are 內相located in North America, Wes相公tern European c爸為ountries, Middle East count紅志ries, Russia, South Korea, Japan, 愛房Australia, India, Brazi老弟l, Mexico, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysi我錢a, Africa and other count厭土ries. All have long-term and stab員頻le cooperation.The annual export 物物volume is as high as 30 mill匠吃ion US dollars. And every聽來 year that contin計空ues to grow.
"Customer First, A術我ttentive Service" is our servic金體e concept. Customers are the 喝行basis for our survival and development.生腦 Quality service is很還 the guarantee of winni船飛ng customers. Cus術通tomer satisfaction depends on the資白 joint efforts o有事f all employees. We hope to esta習微blish long-term friendly cooperative 微見relations with frien我在ds from all walks of life to achieve 劇有the goal of mutual benefit.
If you are int照我erested in our prod信還ucts, please get in touch with u美通s, the company wil弟拿l promptly give you a suitable quotat光錢ion and satisfactory s微冷amples according to your req車懂uirements. We sincerely hope答雜 to establish a l費報ong-term cooperative relati技去onship with you in goo畫司d faith and a win-win situ通會ation and welcome you to visit the放得 company at any time .

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Yintai International Building A, Gua懂訊ng'an Avenue, Chang請腦'an District, Shijiazhuang City, 美朋Hebei Province, 704 


Shijiazhuang Hengdeli t紙嗎rading Co.,Ltd
Shijiazhuang Hengdeli trading Co.,Ltd
Shijiazhuang Hengdeli trading Co.,L綠看td
Shijiazhuang Hengdeli trading Co.,Ltd


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